Friday, January 30, 2009

Where we are staying...

Here's a quick video of where we are staying in Malibu. We are on the side of a hill a couple hundred feet above the ocean. The view from our 'kitchen' window looks south to the smog filled city across the water and out front is open ocean. It's pretty ridiculous.

Malibu Beach RV Park from Jeremiah Sizemore on Vimeo.

- Jeremiah and Sarah


Vikings... Mean Ones. said...

That's so beautiful!

I'm kind of glad you weren't at the "Going Away" party tonight because I don't think I could have handled it. It was hard enough as it is.

Love you. Miss you. Can't wait to see you.


A Bryan Photo said...

I would not want to leave this place.
How's life?
Did you watch the Super Bowl?